we are gonna have a feast!! kevin won't be home for christmas so mom and i decided we were going to have just munchy stuff and watch movies all day long! here is our spread!! wow!! that is a lotta food!! :)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
i am finally ready to mail all of the boxes out to friends and family!! they will be a little late... but it just makes the season last longer, right? :) this is the final product for my friend kris. i love the pink and green ribbon i found! i hope she likes it too!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
it sure is beginning to look alot like christmas!! i finally got everything wrapped!! i guess i was feeling more christmasy than i thought!! :)
Monday, December 21, 2009
i love boyd's bears! apparently i love them so much i bought this piece a long time ago when i worked at a hallmark store and was single! i gave it to a friend and told her to hold onto it for me. i had totally forgotten this story and she gave it to me! being pregnant is so surreal. i truly had given up the idea that i could or would ever be pregnant! what a blessing this is! thanks julie, for reminding me of my hope!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
hee hee hee hee hee!!! i got a cool tray that has little bowls to put food in at our big christmas party with the gang!! kevin immediately sees them as mickey ears!! what a funny guy!! give a boy a toy and he will play!! :)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
check out my man!! :) is he not the cutest guy ever! ;) he is so funny! out shoveling the driveway in shorts, boots and a jacket!! makes me chuckle! i sure appreciate him shoveling though!
Friday, December 18, 2009
this is the gift i gave to all of my friends this year. i included a little poem about the star of bethlehem with it. they turned out cute! cool ornaments too!
Thursday, December 17, 2009

the coloring of this picture isn't all that great, but you get the idea... this is my christmas card this year!! i really love it!! but let me tell you.. it was ALOT of work!! there are 8 different colored papers on this card and i had to hand tear all of them... x 200 cards!! ok, so i will be honest here...i ended up only doing 100 homemade cards and then bought 100 picture cards from sam's club. but the end result was great! i am very proud of this card!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
uhm... i am can explain... i don't know for sure how it happen... but i lost my phone. in the couch. and we had a hard time finding it. we ended up having to tear the black fabric on the botton to get the phone out! the main problem was that it was on vibrate and so when we called it we all had to be very quiet so we could here the buzzing! hee hee! it was a little funny... at least to me... kevin didn't find it as amusing as i did!! :)
one of my favorite parts of christmas is getting cards from everyone!! i love seeing how they have changed in the last year and reading about what they have done! so fun!! it is for this reason that i send out close to 200 cards every year too!!
christmas is coming, whether i am ready for it or not!! so i figured i better get busy wrapping presents!! so, i wrapped all of my friend and family gifts! i need to round up some boxes so i can get them mailed soon too!! :)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
today i was release from my calling as the YW laurel advisor. i have been working with these girls for almost 5 years!! i love them all so much!! i will miss seeing them on a regular basis, but they will always be a part of my life.
Saturday, December 12, 2009

tonight we went and saw voicemale!! they are so amazing!! i love this christmas tradition!! they have the best concerts!! so fun!
Friday, December 11, 2009
i decided i should probably put the tree up! but i don't think i am going to fully decorate it like i normally do. so i just put the few ornaments up that i have around. very simple this year. for some reason i am just not feeling the christmas bug like i normally do... that is ok, simple is good too!
i love wrapping paper! in my opinion, you never can have too much! i try to get a couple new rolls every year after christmas when they get marked down really low!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

today was my first dr's appt!!!! i was so excited to go!! there really is a baby in there!!! i keep saying it over and over!! there is a baby in there!! kevin wasn't home, so mom went with me. i am not so sure about this dr though... i might look into switching... but the good news it... THERE IS A BABY IN THERE!!!! :)
i love these bunco gals!! the whole group was here tonight!! they are...
front row: luwana, wendee and debbie
middle row: nicky, janet, alicia, angie, nora and brooke
back row: me, erika and megan
Monday, December 7, 2009
christmas trees are one of my favorite things to decorate with! so for bunco i had all of the prizes be a christmas tree!! i love the ones with bells!! i hope i win one of them!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
i love this nativity!! i have always been very picky about nativities. nothing ever seemed right... the faces were always off somehow. until i saw this one by willow tree. i love it!! it is perfect!! it is fun to try to add a new piece every few years. perfect.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
i usually decorate for christmas on thanksgiving! but this year i wasn't really feeling it... we finally put some decorations up today! i am hosting bunco next week and don't have room for the christmas tree and 3 card tables with 12 women! so the tree will have to wait until after bunco... this is my countdown, it is the same one my mom used when she was little. i love it! there is so much detail in each of the pieces.

happy birthday kevin!!!
today is kevin's birthday!! we had a fun night!! we met with the gang for bowling and dinner at olive garden and then went back to maryann's house for cake and presents!! he is so cute!! love this man!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
my mom came home from indiana a few days ago, but kevin and i wanted to tell her our big news together! i wanted to find something that had "grandma" on it and give it to her... so i went to walmart and found this cute little bib. i also got 2 onsies- a purple one for a girl and a blue one for a boy. i put them all in a gift bag! when kevin got home we told her we had an early christmas present for her... she was so excited!
first thing i did today when i got off work was go get some prenatal vitamins!! i wanna be healthy for this baby!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

tonight we had out Young Women in Excellence. we invited the Relief Society sisters to join us too, since we had all done a Virtue Challenge together. earlier this year we challenged the sisters in the ward to read the entire Book of Mormon as a "call to Virtue". it was fun! lots of sisters completed the project. this is my favorite part of YWIE, when the girls share what things they are interested in and have been working on during the year. love these girls!! love them!!
i also told my best friend that i was pregnant today. :)
Monday, November 30, 2009
well, after finding out that i was pregnant i knew i needed to go get some blood work done to be sure!! so while i waiting for the results i went shopping!! i ... got my oil changed, went to hobby lobby, michaels, staples ( and found the good size of card envelopes!!) and... ya... did anything i could to take my mind off the fact that i was waiting to find out if i was pregnant!! :) wow...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
what a fun day!! we all went to the craft fair at the high school this morning and i found a few really cute things!! and then i met up with colleen and lane from work to go to a movie!! we went and saw blindside! very good!! then out for pizza afterward! :)
Friday, November 27, 2009
nothing beats being at work at 3am!! ok... lots beat it. but ya do what ya gotta do!! however, i am thankful for this fabulous lotion/cream!! it has really helped my hands!! whew!! i feel the progress coming!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
happy thanksgiving!! what a beautiful meal!! kevin and i really enjoyed just having a quiet thanksgiving here at the house! good food, good company... perfect!! i napped a tad after dinner and we watched a movie!! fun day!! here is a list of things i am thankful for today...
my handsome husband...
the very best friends a girl could ask for
my supportive family
my job
my health and the health of friends and family
the gospel of Jesus Christ
my talents
my car
cell phones
my love for music
lip balm
tv shows
band aids
all of you...
the list goes on and on and on...
but that what is on my mind today!
happy thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
kristine got a job!! wahoo!! she is going to be working in the bakery at smith's marketplace!! i am so excited for her! i think she really likes it!! :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
i love this. i bought it at a craft fair a few years ago and now it is one of my favorite decorations! it reminds me of my fabulous friends... i am very lucky.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
mom flew out today for indiana!! she is spending thanksgiving with my uncle steve and his family! she is sooooooo excited!! i know she will have a wonderful time!! this pic was taken at 3am while we were waiting for her airport shuttle to arrive! have fun mom!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
what a fun night!! we had our big thanksgiving dinner with the gang tonight!! so fun!! we played a really fun game called "eat it". it is a snacks and treats trivia game. have you ever heard of "spotted dick"? we hadn't either!! imagine our surprise when it was a possible answer to a question!! :) we were all tired and a little giddy... so the giggles quickly came as well! you would have thought we were all 4 years old!! hee hee! we all had a blast!! good times gals!! good times!! :)
Friday, November 20, 2009
my hands have been really really bad lately. i have had eczema for about 16 years!! no fun. but this fall it has been the worst ever. i finally decided i needed to go to a dermatologist to have them looked at. well, it turns out i had an infection and possible fungus among the eczema! so now i have all of these great creams and lotions to help! i hope it helps! this is getting old.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
this is one of my standard thanksgiving decorations! a turkey beanie baby! many years ago i worked at a Hallmark store during the big beanie baby craze! i got first pick on many of the hot ones!! today all i have are the holiday ones. :) this little guy sits on top of our tv every year!
i have almost completed my requirements for the Young Women Personal Progress Medallion! i am so excited! i never earned the medallion when i was in yw as a teen... so i am honored to do it now!! :) i think that i will get it at our Young Women in Excellance night in december. :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
i found it!!! the perfect christmas present for my friend kris!! we attended a fantastic scrapbooking event in august and i am soooo grateful for her! they colors of the show were zebra stripes, pink and green!! so i got these zebra striped pillows and i am going to wrap them in pink and green ribbon!! i can't wait!! :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
i decided today was the day!! to clean the pantry!! wahoo! look at it!! i should have taken a before shot too... but trust me... this looks amazing!! :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
so i have decided on the design of my christmas card! and now i am just getting all of the parts cut and ready to go!! it is gonna be very cool looking!! but... lots of work! hope i can get them all done! i am shooting to make 200 cards!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
this morning i saw a bug. in the tub. yuck! so i did what i thought was best... i covered it with a cup!
Friday, November 13, 2009

there is a guy at work that drives me absolutely crazy with his lack of organization skills!! these 2 pallets are a perfect example of that!! he loaded these for a member to pick up!!! oh geez....
Thursday, November 12, 2009
i love new fonts!! i recently heard about this site that will allow you to use your own handwriting as a font!! i haven't done it yet, but i am excited to try it!! how fun will that be... the jennie font!! :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
i think i might have bit off more than i can chew... we had a craft night at church tonight and i ordered 20 of these little boards to make for all of my friends and family!! yikes!! i need to... sand, paint and stick the sayings on each of the 20!! what was i thinking!!! :) good luck to me.

what a fun night!!! bunco night!! but this one was great for more than just that!! lane subbed for us!! actually we had too many subs, so i didn't play, but that was fine!! it was fun to watch lane have such a good time!! :)