Monday, February 9, 2009


February 3, 2009 next sunday night is our Young Women's New Beginnings. it is a special program to introduce the girls that will be turning 12 this year to the YW program. this years theme was "A Night at the Oscars". i made this invitations... the gold ones were my first attempt. they turned out ok, but on invite on every page printed didn't dry... (they were printed on a shimmery gold vellum). they were tied with black ribbon onto a black cardstock. because i lost 1/3 of my invites i needed to make a second batch. the red ones were my second attempt. these were a red cardstock that was covered by a vellum that had gold stars on it. they were also on the black cardstock tied with the black ribbon. i wanted them to be fancy, b/c of the fancy theme... when they were all done, i actually liked the red ones best... who knew! ha!

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