Tuesday, January 20, 2009


January 18, 2009today was the missionary farewell for Bishop Maurice and Susan Thomas. Bishop Thomas was the bishop of the infamous singles ward... USU 26th Ward! aka: 26ers! we all became a family under the stewardship of 3 marvelous men and their wives! Maurice (Susan) Thomas, Lee (DeAnn) Broadbent and Pat (Sandra) Hoggan opened up their homes, lives and hearts to a bunch of single kids! they were released almost 10 years ago and we still have reunions and informal get togethers. this farewell is just one example of the difference they made to us!
back row: Jacqui Leavitt Gale, Megan Goodworth Richards, Larry Bradley, Chris Johnnie, Susan and Maurice Thomas, Darrell Wilcox, Nicole Bateman Chesley, Sandra and Pat Hoggan, Schleen Christensen Monson.
front row: Lisa Bradley Page, Stacy and Rich Nichols, Angela Buttars, Jennie Carroll Little, Julie Reid and Marla Nef.

1 comment:

JaNae said...

Ok, how long have we known each other now? And it takes until today before I learn your former bishopric member is my cousin! Yep, it's true, Lee & DeAnn Broadbent and I are related. Well, now we know.